Success Planning: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Roadmap for Achieving Your Dream Life (Part 1)

Dom Pfeiffer
Succeed In Life


You can have what you desire if you develop a strategy and follow it rigorously.

Man playing chess

What does success mean to you? Is it a big house, a fancy car, and a large bank account balance? Or is success something more intangible, like happiness and fulfillment?

Regardless of what success means to you, one thing is for sure — success doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning and hard work. In this article, we will discuss the basics of success planning and show you how to create your own roadmap for achieving your dream life!

Why people are failing to succeed

I find that people are unhappy and unfulfilled in their lives for various reasons.

  • First of all, they may be unclear about what they want. They may have conflicting goals and desires or simply not know what would make them truly happy.
  • Second, they may not believe that another life is possible. They may be stuck in a job or lifestyle they don’t like, but they can’t imagine anything different.
  • Third, they may not have a plan to get to the next level. They may be discontent with where they are, but they don’t have concrete goals or steps to take to improve their situation.
  • Finally, they may not take focused action to achieve their goals. Instead, they may procrastinate or get sidetracked by other things, and as a result, they never reach their full potential.

I believe that if people can clarify their goals, believe in themselves, and take focused action, they can lead much happier and more fulfilling lives. They can even turn their failure into a stepping stone of success.

Have you been there? Stumbling through life, seeing what others were able to achieve, feeling envious and insecure? I sure have! I used to think that success happened to other people — people born into wealthy families, who had some sort of advantage, or who were just plain lucky.

Success planning turned my life around

I’m here to tell you that success is attainable for anyone and everyone. It’s not about luck or privilege; it’s about having a vision for your life and acting on it with vigor to make it happen.

It will take work, but it is absolutely possible. I was at a point in my life where I had no money in the bank. Quite the opposite, I had tax debts because I needed the cash to get food for my wife and myself. My business failed, and I did not have any clue about how to improve my situation. At one point, I got fed up with our predicament. I decided I did not want to be poor anymore.

I clarified what I wanted in my life and what I would no longer tolerate. I studied successful people and learned their success principles. It took me almost 10 years to go from zero to a six-digit income. I am thankful for the journey I am on. But I believe if I knew then what I am about to share with you, I could have achieved that much faster. What I was missing was a detailed success plan.

What is a success plan?

When we see someone successful, we often think they just got lucky. We see the final product, but we don’t see all the hard work and dedication that went into it. The truth is that success is never an accident.

It’s the result of years of planning and effort. Anyone who has succeeded has put in the time to learn their craft and perfect their skills. They’ve made sacrifices and taken risks. They’ve faced setbacks and failures. And through it all, they’ve never given up on their dreams.

So, if you’re wondering how to become successful, remember that it takes more than just good luck. It takes hard work, a willingness to keep going even when things get tough, and a plan to guide you through it all.

Planning for success is possible and necessary

While it is true that success won’t happen in an instant, it is also absolutely true that it can be planned. No matter what success means for you, it is attainable. People are proving this reality every single day. Every success story you hear shows you that it can be done.

There are steps you can take, and if you follow through with them, you will build momentum, propelling you to achieve your wildest dreams. This sequence of steps is called success planning. It’s a system for figuring out what you want, setting goals, and taking action to make those goals a reality.

And the best part is that anyone can do it. No matter where you’re starting from or your circumstances, if you’re willing to put in the work, your success plan will help you get there. So what are you waiting for?

Success planning is the key to achieving your dreams. When you have a plan, you know what steps to take and when to take them. This gives you a roadmap to follow and keeps you accountable. I’m a big believer in success planning. I’ve used it in my own life to achieve my goals, and I’ve seen it work for other people, too. So, if you’re serious about achieving success, I urge you to create a success plan. It will change your life. First, let me show you the main elements to get you started. Then we will look at them in more detail below.

The main elements of success planning

First, you need to become crystal clear on what it is that you want for yourself. What are your goals and objectives? Why do you want to achieve them? What will it mean for your life once you do? Without a clear vision, staying motivated and focused on your goals will be very difficult.

Second, you need to develop a plan of action. What steps do you need to take to achieve your goals? How are you going to get there? Once again, it will be challenging to stay on track and progress toward your goals without a strategy.

Third, you need to believe that success is possible. You need to have faith in yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you set your mind to. If you don’t think that success is possible, it probably won’t be.

Fourth, stay focused and work towards your goals every single day. Make sure that your daily actions move you closer to your goals, even if it’s just a little bit. Over time, these small steps will add up, and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

Finally, don’t give up. No matter what happens, keep going and never give up on your dreams. Success is attainable if you stay focused and committed to your goals.

Why you need a success plan

When I started taking earning money seriously, I was aware of the many options. For example, if you want to create a business, you can take so many routes that it is overwhelming. So I procrastinated a lot. I dabbled in different things without making real progress. As a result, nothing moved forward, and I was quickly discouraged.

Have you experienced something similar? Maybe it wasn’t about business, but you wanted to lose weight. There are so many alternatives, and taking a cookie from a jar is easy. Or you were vowing to spend some time studying for that degree or writing that book. And suddenly, you realize that you were scrubbing the bathtub instead? I have been there more often than I would have liked.

I figured out that when that happens, there are two main reasons for my procrastination:

  1. I am unclear on what I need to do or
  2. I have no idea how to do it.

Sometimes, a task seems so big and daunting that I don’t know where to start. Other times, I’m just not sure how to complete the task at hand. If I can’t figure it out, I’ll likely put it off until later. However, this usually means that the job never gets done.

That’s why it’s essential to be able to recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncertain. If you can identify the cause of your procrastination, you can take steps to overcome it.

A success plan is like a road map that will take you from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. It’s not enough to just have a general idea of what you want to achieve. You need to know exactly what steps to take to get there.

That’s what success planning will do for you. It will help you clarify your goals, understand why they are vital to you, and give you a specific action plan to follow. Success doesn’t happen by accident. It takes careful planning and execution. A success plan is essential if you’re serious about achieving your dreams and want to reach goals faster. So, get ready to dive into the weeds with me. We will now discover the exact steps you need to take to create your personal success plan.

Research your success plan

Achieving success in anything requires a game plan. Defining success is the first and most crucial step to achieving it. You need to clearly understand what success looks like for you. Why is achieving your goal critical? What has stopped you so far? You’ll be better equipped to achieve success by taking the time to answer these questions. Without this level of clarity, it’s easy to get sidetracked or give up when obstacles arise.

Additionally, it’s helpful to research and benchmark success. This will give you a sense of what’s possible and help define the steps you need to take to get there. Finally, commitment and accountability are crucial to ensuring you stay on track. Find a supportive friend, family member, or coach who will hold you accountable and help you celebrate your successes along the way. With the right plan in place, achieving success is achievable if you’re willing to work on it.

Define success for yourself

Success. It’s a loaded word. It’s a word that, for a lot of people, evokes a particular image. A corner office. A luxury car. A fat bank account. But what does it really mean to be successful? The answer, of course, is different for everyone. Some measure success by how much money they make or how high they can climb in their career. Others define it by how happy they are or how well they balance work and family life. And still others see success as simply having the courage to pursue their dreams, even when the odds are against them. So, how do you go about defining success for yourself?

Think about what you want to achieve. What would make you feel happy and fulfilled? What do you value? If you’re not sure, take some time to brainstorm. You are living the life of your dreams. What does that look like? Write down everything that comes to mind, whether small or large. Be as detailed and concrete as possible. In this process, pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. Author Mel Robbins even advocates taking jealousy as a signal. If you are honest with yourself, are there things your friends or acquaintances have achieved that you feel envious about? This may be a sign that it is meant for you as well.

Make a list of everything you want. The sky’s the limit. Don’t worry about how you will get it or if it’s achievable. Just write it down. Once you have your list, start looking at what’s most important to you. What are your top priorities? What would make you the happiest? You can also look for dependencies. Would a specific achievement also enable something else from your list? For example, if one of your items is to travel the world, think about what else would need to happen for that to be possible. Would you need to quit your job? Learn a new language?

Once you understand what success looks like for you, you can start taking steps to achieve it. But remember, success is not a destination. It’s a journey. The most important thing is to enjoy the ride. So what is the first item on your list you want to tackle? Suppose you are unsure about the whole success planning. In that case, I suggest first going for something that is attainable in a shorter timeframe. In this way, it will help you build your confidence as you make fast progress.

Imagine you are experienced with goal setting or are fully convinced that you can follow through with a more long-term goal. In that case, I recommend you pick the one with the most significant impact on your life. The Pareto principle teaches us that 20% of our efforts lead to 80% of the results. So make sure your goal aligns with this and will give you the most bang for your buck.

Why is achieving your goal important

Remember when defining success for yourself that it should be based on what you want, not what society or somebody expects of you. Therefore take some time to consider why achieving your vision matters to you. Why is it important? What will it allow you to do or experience that you couldn’t before? Also, become aware of the price of inaction. What will happen if you do nothing, and what will you miss because of it? What will be the consequences of that? After all, it is your life. You should be the one in charge of it. So make sure to design a life that you love and feels successful to you.

Sometimes we want to achieve something for ourselves. Still, at other times we do it for our loved ones, our family, society, and humanity at large. There are many different reasons why we might want to achieve something. Yet, it is essential to know our own personal motivations for doing so. Only then can we be sure that we are working towards something significant to us. When understanding why achieving your goal is essential to you, staying motivated and committed to seeing it through will be easier, even when the going gets tough. So ask yourself today: why is achieving your goal important to you? And make sure that your answer comes from the heart. Only then will you be able to achieve anything truly significant.

What has stopped you so far

One of the most challenging things in life is having dreams and goals that we want to achieve but cannot reach. It can be beyond frustrating, especially if we don’t know why we cannot attain our goals. If you’re in this situation, it’s essential to look at the roadblocks that are stopping you. Only then can you begin to strategize on how to overcome them.

There could be several reasons why you haven’t realized your dream life yet. Maybe you have negative self-talk that’s holding you back. Or, perhaps you’re not taking action steps because you’re afraid of failing. It could also be that you’re not surrounding yourself with the right people who will support and encourage you. Whatever the case may be, it’s crucial to identify the obstacle so that you can find a way to overcome it.

If you want to achieve your dream life, you must take a good look at what’s been stopping you in the past. Once you know your roadblocks, you can begin to formulate a plan for overcoming them. Then, and only then, will you be one step closer to achieving your dreams.

Research and benchmark relevant success stories

Now that you know exactly what you want and why it’s time to start looking for people who have already accomplished what you want. I am a big fan of research. I love learning about new things, and I love finding out how other people have achieved success. That’s why, when I undertake a new personal development project, one of the first things I do is research and benchmark relevant success stories. This helps me understand what has worked for others in similar circumstances and gives me a valuable starting point for my own planning and execution. Of course, every situation is unique, and what works for one person or business might not work for another. However, by taking the time to understand what has worked for others, I increase my chances of achieving my desired outcome.

Google is your best friend with this task. Search for news stories, forum entries, books, and online courses. Keep your roadblocks in mind. Regardless of your problem, somebody on this planet has figured it out and shared his experience in a tutorial. This is a great way to find mentors, role models, and sources of inspiration. By studying the success of others, you can learn what strategies and tactics have been proven to work. You will also better understand what it takes to achieve your goals. When you surround yourself with successful people, you’ll be more likely to attain success yourself. So start reaching out and connecting with people who have already accomplished what you want to achieve. It could be the best decision you ever make.

Set yourself up for commitment and accountability

Achieving your dreams takes work. It’s not going to happen overnight, and there will be times when you want to give up. But if you’re committed to making your dreams a reality, you need to set yourself up for success. That means creating measures to hold you accountable and keep track of your progress. It also implies being open to new opportunities and taking risks. Dreaming big is the first step, but it’s only by taking action that you’ll achieve your dreams.

Anything worth accomplishing takes time and effort. You can’t just dabble a little bit and expect to succeed. Consistency is key. You need to make room in your daily schedule to work on your plan. That might suggest getting up an hour earlier or cutting out TV time. Whatever it is, you need to be willing to sacrifice some of your precious free time to work on your goal. How much time can you afford to spend on your dream? What will you stop doing, or how will you bundle activities, so you have sufficient time? The bottom line is that if you’re unwilling to do the work, you will not reach your goal. But if you’re dedicated and consistent, you’ll eventually get there. So ask yourself: How badly do you want it?

Achieving a demanding goal can be a lonely endeavor. On the one hand, you might be surrounded by people who love and support you. Still, if they don’t understand your dream, they might unintentionally hold you back with their negativity. On the other hand, sharing your goal with somebody you respect and who will hold you accountable can motivate and help you stay on track. If you’re feeling really ambitious, team up with a friend who has a similar goal. Not only will you be able to support each other, but you’ll also have built-in accountability. Having somebody to push you forward can make all the difference in achieving your dreams.

Get support to accelerate your success

The one thing that will accelerate your success more than anything is having a support system in place. When you have people around you who believe in you and are rooting for your success, it gives you the extra push you need to stay motivated and keep moving forward. These people can be friends, family, or even a group of like-minded individuals working toward similar goals. A support system is essential if you want to succeed in any area of your life. If you don’t have one in place, now is the time to start building one. Look for chances to connect with others who can help you along your journey. You may be surprised at how much of a difference it makes.

Finding a mentor is one of the best things you can do to shortcut your success journey. A mentor is someone who has already achieved success in the area you want to achieve success in. They can help guide you, advise, and support you when you need it most. One of the best ways to find a mentor is to reach out to someone you admire and respect. Many successful people are happy to share their knowledge and experience with others. You can also look for mentorship programs in your community or online. These programs can connect you with successful people who are willing to invest their time and energy in helping you reach your goals. Regardless of how you find them, mentors can be invaluable on your journey to success. So if you’re serious about achieving your goals, don’t hesitate to seek out a mentor.

Suppose you’re serious about wanting to boost your learning and succeed with your plan. In that case, I highly recommend registering for a mastermind program or online course. Here’s why: when you’re part of a mastermind group or taking an online course, you’ll have access to many resources and expert insights that you wouldn’t otherwise have. You’ll also be held accountable by your peers or instructor, which will help keep you on track. And finally, you’ll be able to get feedback and support from others who are in the same boat as you. If you’re ready to take your learning to the next level, sign up for a mastermind program or online course!


Success planning is thinking deeply about and plotting out what success looks like to you and then actively working to make that happen. You need a success plan because it is the roadmap to your goals; without one, it’s easy to get sidetracked or lost along the way.

To research your own success plan:

  1. Start by defining success for yourself and clarifying why it matters to you.
  2. Identify any potential roadblocks that could stand in your way and research relevant success stories for inspiration.
  3. Set yourself up for commitment and accountability by surrounding yourself with people who will support you on your journey.

By taking these steps, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the success you’ve always dreamed of.

Continue with your success plan and plotting your personal roadmap to success in part 2 of this series by developing a compelling life vision and identifying your ideal starting point.



Went from being a preacher, broke, failed to entrepreneur, six-figure income, world improver. Passionate about supporting people achieve success on their terms.